see what people are saying...

You can truly get any of your sweet tooth cravings anywhere in Montreal. Seriously, you name it, Montreal has it.

Friends, every so often, a food trend takes over that is unlike anything you've seen before. There was the mighty cakepop, its moist, white-chocolate coated goodness still consumed today. Ah, and who could forget the majestic Cronut?

The Bagel Store in NYC has been making the popular Rainbow Bagel for 20 years, but only until recently did it receive the praise it deserved. With lineups out the door and selling hundreds of these labour-intensive treats on a daily basis, there’s no doubt this trend is worth a try.

I was so pleased to discover Entenmann's products on my most recent trip to Montreal!
I found them at Dizz's Bagels on Côte Saint Luc Rd.

Vous le savez, le déjeuner est le repas le plus important de la journée. J'vous apprends rien ici. Cependant, manger deux toasts tous les matins de ta vie, ça peut devenir redondant/inintéressant avec le temps, j'suis totalement d'accord avec toi.

This Chocolate Chip-Infused Bagel Was Inspired by a Popular Italian Pastry
Cannolis are popular pastries that were created in Italy and are well-known around the world for their rich and semi-sweet flavors -- and this Montreal shop decided to fuse the dessert with its siganture bagels.

T’es tu tanné de manger des toasts le matin ? Tu trouves qu’il manque un peu de magie dans ton déjeuner ? Tu es certainement à la recherche d’une nouvelle manière de partir ta journée du bon pied. En fait, j’ai la solution pour toi ! Tu as peut-être déjà entendu parler du fameux Rainbow Bagel vendu à New-York. Je t ‘annonce qu’il est maintenant possible de se le procurer à Montréal.